Lately, I’ve had the opportunity to do training for the Veterans Administration in a number of states. I’ve met some incredible people. The work you see here was done by self-taught artist and Vietnam Vet, Will Gilmore gilmorewill@hotmail.com. Will brought this painting in to show me on the second day of WRAP training. I’d been admiring the art hanging in the hallways – which I found out was done by some of the men and women receiving services there. I asked Will why this painting wasn’t on display with the others. Will shared with me that he had been told his painting was not suitable for display. It had been deemed, “too disturbing.”
When the Iraq war started, Will was exposed to the images we have all grown familiar with. His past experience in Vietnam re-emerged. Will described how his past and his present collided. This is his eloquent self-portrait.
When the Iraq war started, Will was exposed to the images we have all grown familiar with. His past experience in Vietnam re-emerged. Will described how his past and his present collided. This is his eloquent self-portrait.
This painting is brilliant. Whoever deemed it "too disturbing" must be clueless about true artistc expression and talent. I am incredibly moved by this painting. Thank you for aharing it.
Hi everyone this is Charles Owens. I would like for all of the Trauma Facilitator's to know that I just finished a unisex Trauma Transformation Peer Support Group. I would like to say to you all it was one of the most empowering things I have ever experienced. To watch those faces go from despair to smiles and sharing with me that I had changed their lifes that they felt they had a chance to move on in their recovery after finishing the group. In fact several of them have gone on to be in the CPS training that started today. I was so proud of them for moving so fast to want to do more with their life. I get emails from them all the time reassuring me that their life are moving forward and to thank me for what I had done for them. I tell them they did it for themselves! So I hope to hear from some of you soon sharing how your own experience was for you. Lots of Love to you all Charles Owens CPS, TTPF
Hi Beth,
We met at the Peer Support Training at Higgins Lake in Oct. of 2007. I came across your blog while doing research on trauma transformation and was impressed by your ideas on the subject. As a CPSS, I see people everyday who are crippled by their pasts. This is an area where I've been there, done that and with the help of a wonderful therapist may be finally on my way to exorcising those demons. I would like to get further involved in the area and would appreciate any pointers you could give me on additional training or resource material. I strongly feel that this is an area that Peer Support Specialists can make a big difference in. Thanks for everything.
P.S. Don't let those black squirrels get you!
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